tecnoPARQ Business

Somos especialistas em criação e desenvolvimento de novos negócios de base tecnológica

Nossas Soluções

Incubation Program

The tecnoPARQ Incubation Program strengthens nascent technological companies, offering infrastructure, advice and training courses, while establishing a strong connection with areas of expertise at UFV; Interested companies go through a careful selection process in accordance with the Announcement.

Junior tecnoPARQ

The most entrepreneurial university in the country invites you to meet its JCM...

Residency Program

Strengthening technical and scientific competitiveness, building strategic partnerships, expanding technology and market presence, and achieving international recognition.

Softlanding Hub

All the support your company needs to settle in Brazil!

Graduated Company

Companies that are incubated and complete the entire process of the tecnoPARQ incubation program, are graduated and receive business monitoring, communication and marketing, monitoring of indicators, offering of services, control of the graduation term and participate in an annual alignment meeting .

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Av. Oraida Mendes de Castro, 6000 Novo Silvestre - 36576-400 , Viçosa/MG.

