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Softlanding Hub
tecnoPARQ, since 2020, has accreditation as ENRICH Soft Landing Hub. The ENRICH network (European Network of Research and Innovation Centers and Hub), encourages and facilitates cooperation in research, technology and entrepreneurship, supporting and strengthening agents in the innovation value chain. ENRICH in Brazil is part of the Brazil-Europe Center for Innovation and Business Cooperation (CEBRABIC) project, funded by the European Union through the “Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programm”. ENRICH offers services to connect European organizations with Brazil, China and the USA.
The approval for accreditation by the organization recognizes tecnoPARQ as an institution that provides specialized softlanding services for companies that wish to enter or test the Brazilian market, strengthening Brazil-Europe cooperation in the areas of research, innovation and business, through the exchange of innovative practices. In addition to Brazil, ENRICH also supports other centers and hubs in the US and China.

While ENRICH is in the Brasil Soft Landing Hub, tecnoPARQ will offer networking with researchers from the UFV and other ICTs, support for installation at tecnoPARQ, guidance for visa access, connection with investors and large companies and all other services of its Program of Incubation and Residence.
Softlanding Services Offered
Knowledge management:
- Interaction and technological cooperation with the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) and other universities
- Access to highly qualified professionals and researchers
- Access to research equipment
- Access to laboratories and instrumentation for research
- Business management guidance
- Guidance for preparing the Business Plan
- Search for promotional notices
- Access to inventors and venture capital
- Assistance in project design (research, development and innovation)
- Access to training activities and training
Consulting and specific management technologies:
- Quality Function Deployment
- roadmap technology
- technology assessment
- Networking in the technology area and exchange of information with partners
- Support in the administrative activities of companies
- Availability of consultants (legal, financial, marketing, communication, secretarial, accounting)
- Monitoring the performance of companies
- Guidance on intellectual property rights and product legalization
Monitoring and competitive intelligence:
- Access to large companies (B2B)
- Technology prospecting and management
- Strategic approach to innovation
- Dissemination of technological culture
What they say about us
Past participants and partners
tecnoPARQ is proud of its mutual cooperation agreements between different countries and international institutions.
Check out what they say about their experiences with the first technology park in the state of Minas Gerais