


One of the objectives of tecnoPARQ is to support Brazilian companies and startups in their journey of global expansion and attraction of foreign companies to our vibrant innovation ecosystem. We know that internationalization is a crucial strategy to reach new markets, strengthen international partnerships and drive sustainable growth.

Drawing on our extensive experience and strategic partnerships nationally and internationally, we offer a comprehensive set of services and resources to facilitate your internationalization and promote success on a global level. From identifying softlanding opportunities to participating in cross acceleration programs, we are here to help you expand your boundaries and explore the limitless potential of international markets.

Borderless connections

International Partnerships

International partnerships are essential to strengthen tecnoPARQ as a global innovation hub and provide valuable opportunities for companies in our ecosystem. In addition to bilateral partnerships with various countries, here are the main strategic partnerships with renowned internationalization support organizations:

  • ENRICH — European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs
  • IASP — International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation
  • ANPROTEC — National Association of Entities Promoting Innovative Enterprises

Enrich in Brazil



Become our partner!

Attach your institutional presentation, document, or proposal.

Softlanding Hub

We offer a Softlanding program for foreign companies looking to establish themselves in Brazil. With tecnoPARQ’s support, companies gain access to high-quality infrastructure, specialized support, and connections within the local ecosystem. Learn more about how we can help your company take its first steps in the Brazilian market by clicking the button.

Cross Acceleration

Cross Acceleration is an innovative program that promotes the exchange of knowledge and experiences between Brazilian and foreign startups. Through this initiative, we facilitate business partnerships, share best practices, and provide access to new markets. Our Cross Acceleration programs, like the current Brasilesia, offer a collaborative environment for the growth and development of participating companies. Interested in joining one of our cross-acceleration programs? Send us an email at

Smart Take-off

The tecnoPARQ Smart Take-off program is a strategic initiative designed to serve as a springboard for companies associated with our various programs, including Incubation, Residency, and others, that aspire to internationalize. Recognizing that each company has a unique journey towards global expansion, our program offers a personalized approach that goes beyond standard internationalization solutions. We provide specialized consultancy, access to a global network of partners, and a variety of practical resources to help these companies overcome the legal, cultural, and market complexities that often accompany internationalization. With Smart Take-off, we aim to create an ecosystem where talent and innovation know no boundaries.



The Internationalization Program offered by tecnoPARQ is a comprehensive initiative aimed at supporting companies in their expansion and entry into international markets. It provides a variety of services, resources, and networking opportunities to facilitate global growth and business development.

tecnoPARQ provides a wide range of support services to assist companies in their internationalization journey. This includes access to international networks and partnerships, guidance on market entry strategies, assistance in identifying funding opportunities, and specialized training and mentoring programs to enhance global competitiveness.

By participating in tecnoPARQ’s Internationalization Program, your company will gain access to a range of benefits, including networking opportunities with international companies and experts, support in identifying and approaching foreign markets, assistance in securing funding for international activities, and personalized guidance to maximize your chances of global success.

tecnoPARQ’s Internationalization Program is open to companies from all sectors that are interested in expanding their operations globally. There are no specific size or stage of development requirements for the company. You just need to be affiliated with tecnoPARQ and demonstrate an interest and commitment to pursuing international opportunities.

Simply stay tuned to our website and social media. Send an email to and schedule a meeting with our department.