tecnoPARQ Services

FACILIDAES tecnoparq

Entrepreneurial Qualification

TecnoPARQ offers qualifications with the following objectives:

  • Develop essential skills to the enterpreneur

  • Use practical tools along with knowledge acquired 

  • Honor the enterpreneurial spirit, while receiving knowledge on workshops and other projects 

  • Make the companies more competitive and boost their market growth

The qualification is offered by the following means:

  • Workshops

  • Lectures

  • Minicourses

  • Meetups

  • Collective mentoring

The capacitations follow CERNE’s guidelines:

  • Enterpreneur

  • Product & Tecnology

  • Management

  • Market

  • Capital

  • Internationalization

  • Impact

The qualification is offered for all companies linked with tecnoPARQ considering the maturity level, with relevant and current themes.

+ 0
Qualified enterpreneurs
Qualification hours


  • The mentoring program aims to boost the development of the companies linked with tecnoPARQ by connecting it’s enterpreneurs with businesspersons and professionals who are more experienced in their respective careers. It’s intention is to ease the knowledge exchange, helping beggining enterpreneurs

Know some of our mentorships:

  • Intelectual property

  • Comercial 

  • Sales

  • People management

  • Company management

  • Product creation

  • Information tecnology

  • Finances

  • Specialized tecnical mentorship

  • On demand


The program’s goals are:

• Promote experience exchange

• Boost skills development

• Identify and discuss strategical questions/hardships

• Foment networking growth

Advice and Consultancy

Our monitoring system seeks to assure a close follow-up to companies, identifying their demands and needs, to offer solutions that fit CERNE’s five guidelines. (enterpreneur, tecnology, management, market and finances) besides the impact itself. In that regard, periodical meetings are realized so that reports are given to the companies and their needs are identified.

The advicing systems are offered by our team members at tecnoPARQ, highly qualified professionals with a lot of experience in the management and inovation areas.

The consultancy program offers specialized guidance and on-demand solutions with the goal of helping companies face specific challenges, take right decisions and reach their objectives. The consultancies are offered to the companies linked to the tecnoPARQ by external consultants, aiming to improve performance, efficiency and goals of the interested parties.


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+55 (31) 3612-1281


Av. Oraida Mendes de Castro, 6000 Novo Silvestre - 36576-400 , Viçosa/MG.

