
tecnoparq startup

Pre-Incubation Program

The tecnoPARQ Pre-Incubation Program is aimed at entrepreneurs who need support and guidance to transform their solutions into a technology-based business. Among the benefits of the Pre-Incubation Program is the offer of a co-working space (space for shared work), assistance in modeling and validating the business, preparing the business plan, setting up the company and pitching. Workshops and training are also offered to train entrepreneurs in the main tools for business management and development. Lasting five (5) months, the companies to be pre-incubated at tecnoPARQ will be chosen through a public selection procedure, respecting the regulations in force.

The three pillars of the Program

Business development

Aimed at inserting the solution into the market.

Entrepreneurial training

It aims to develop entrepreneurial skills in participants.


It aims to promote the expansion of entrepreneurs’ network of contacts and partnerships.

Program objectives

  • Induce the creation of academic spin-offs within the UFV academic community
  • Assist in the development of technologies into innovative products, processes or services with market application potential
  • Prepare pre-incubated business projects for future entry into the Incubator, as a technology-based start-up company, contributing to the sustainable development of Viçosa and the region
  • Disseminate, among the academic community, entrepreneurial culture and modern management instruments
  • Provide entrepreneurs with guidance on business management and development of entrepreneurial skills
  • Help teams find their Product Market Fit, that is, a product or service that has real space in the market
Desenvolva sua ideia

Laboratório de Ideaçao

O Laboratório de Ideação é uma oportunidade para quem deseja desenvolver soluções para oportunidades/problemas identificadas no mercado, ou para aqueles que já possuem uma solução e desejam remodela-la/reestruturá-la! 

O programa é gratuito, tem a duração de um mês, e é aberto a todo o público interessado! Podem participar professores, pesquisadores, estudantes, inventores independentes, servidores públicos e demais membros da comunidade! 

Além de ser um programa para geração e desenvolvimento de ideais, o Laboratório de Ideação também busca promover a qualificação empreendedora, trazendo workshops ministrados por profissionais atuantes no ecossistema de empreendedorismo e inovação. O programa também oferece um  ambiente de networking para se conectar com pessoas interessadas em promover a inovação e o empreendedorismo.

Nos últimos três anos, o Laboratório de Ideação apoiou 37 projetos, desenvolveu 146 pessoas e converteu 9 projetos para o Programa de Pré-Incubação.


Continuous flow notice:

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Meet the Pre-Incubated Companies

Numbers we are proud of:

Number of supported projects
Total hours of training
What they say about us




No, to participate in the pre-incubation program it is not necessary to have a CNPJ.

No. Entrepreneurs do not need to be linked to UFV to be part of the program. The process is open to the general community.

After approval in the selection process to participate in Pre-Incubation, there will be a cost of R$200.00 (two hundred reais) per month, per project. With this amount, you will have access to a business support service, workshops and training, mentoring and connections and the right to use a co-working space.


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Av. Oraida Mendes de Castro, 6000 Novo Silvestre - 36576-400 , Viçosa/MG.