Associated Company

Open innovation

Associated Company

The Associated Company Program is designed for companies that want to benefit from the high-value services and programs of the Park without the need to be physically located there.

It offers its associated companies specialized, high-value technological services and excellent scientific infrastructure that allow extensive interaction for R&D&I projects with UFV, as well as access to entrepreneurial and technological networking and the best startups, leveraging the Open Innovation process.


Services Offered

The main services offered by the program include:

– Prospecting researchers, technologies, and innovative solutions
– Analysis of company demands, researchers’ offerings, and possibilities for interaction
– Support for establishing strong R&D partnerships with UFV
– Corporate acceleration for internal projects and/or solutions from startups and the academic field
– Access to highly qualified workforce of researchers, technicians, and undergraduate and postgraduate students from UFV
– Connection via Innovation Link with UFV researchers to solve innovation challenges
– Access to UFV’s R&D facilities through a sharing contract
– Support for intellectual property and technology transfer through UFV’s NIT
– Access to national and international entrepreneurial and technological networking
– Business qualification programs and participation in tecnoPARQ events


Program Announcement

Apply now



Associated Company was conceived by tecnoPARQ in late 2022, aiming to expand its scope of action by allowing technology-based companies seeking to interact with UFV, especially for the establishment of technical-scientific cooperation projects, to access the high-value services and programs offered by the Park without the need for physical installation.

Association of the brand with one of the best technology parks in Brazil and with UFV, a globally renowned university.

Strong partnership for R&D with UFV.

Corporate acceleration.

Support in Open Innovation processes.

Entrepreneurial and technological networking, both nationally and internationally.

Access to highly qualified workforce.

Access to tecnoPARQ partners.

Access to UFV’s R&D facilities.

Technology-based companies from any field of knowledge can join the program. However, we can deliver more value to companies operating in the fields of agri-food biotechnology, environmental and forestry sciences, and information and communication technology. These are areas where UFV has a strong scientific foundation and is internationally recognized for the excellence of its research.

To access the notice and register, click here!


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